Justin Harvey: Fake Activist?


King of the Shill, Justin Harvey

Orlando man supports anti-vaccination and says “NO GMO” in our food, yet thinks the Earth is flat!

WeAreChange ORLANDO – Justin Harvey befriends Sandy Hook Hoaxers Wolfgang Halbig, Tony Mead, Louis Leo IV and Felix Pantaleon, Jr.

Justin Harvey supports many causes he learns about online: GMOs, vaccinating, growing our own food… FLAT EARTH and SANDY HOOK HOAXING???

Winter Park, Florida – Justin Harvey wants to make a difference in this world. The Orlando activist thinks like many of us think: do not eat pesticides, cancer is horrible, ingesting bleach would be a bad idea and clean water is best for drinking. Basic human needs and rights are sometimes fought for by activists like Justin Harvey. Okay… we get it, but Justin might be doing more harm than good. Justin Harvey supports flat earth theories and conspires with Sandy Hook Hoaxers.

The job of a “shill” like Justin Harvey

Justin Harvey might be doing it on accident or on purpose… shilling for hoaxers and false flag pushers online. Planting seeds of insanity. Justin Harvey believes children did not die at Sandy Hook Elementary. Why does this Winter Park, Florida resident do it? Is Justin Harvey a shill?

Justin Harvey and Wolfgang Halbig (Facebook post)
Justin Harvey poses with Wolfgang Halbig in Orlando, Florida. Justin uploaded this photo to his Facebook account one day before the date of Sandy Hook (December 13th). Not activism, poor taste, with a long written post declaring victory.

Justin writes on the Facebook post:

Wolfgang Halbig VS Leonard Pozner Court Hearing 12/13/16

Here is a picture of us after the hearing today holding Wolfgang’s thank you card from Newtown for his donations to the Sandy Hook fund. He explained to us how he donated to them after hearing of the shooting because he believed it really happened and wanted to help. Soon after he discovered something wasn’t right.

Mr Pozner didn’t show up for court today but I still feel like we got one step closer to the truth.

Video of Wolfgang Halbig explaining the outcome of the court hearing today in Lake County, FL is in the comments below.

Please read full docket here: <LINK TO COURT DOCS – click>

Wolfgang Halbig has a career in school safety and law enforcement. His job is to investigate school shootings and then use that information to prevent them in the future. He gives presentations to school boards on how to respond to active shooters. After Sandy Hook took place he got to work and began collecting information. Once he began asking non offensive, pertinent questions regarding the Sandy Hook school shooting, he was completely stonewalled. Then his Freedom of Information requests were denied and ignored. The kicker is when two Lake County detectives were sent to his home to threaten him with arrest if he continued to ask questions about Sandy Hook. At this point he knew something was up and continued to press on for more information by filing more FOIA requests. Since then Wolfgang has faced threats on his life, intimidation tactics & harassment towards his family. This is all happening because a school safety expert is simply doing his job. The attacks on him have only fueled his fire and he is determined to find out what these people are hiding and expose the truth about that fateful day on Dec 14th, 2012.


Justin Harvey - WeAreChange Orlando - Flat Earth Hoax

Hoaxing damages credibility

Pretend for a moment there is someone from Winter Park, Florida informing you about the dangers of eating pesticides. The activist knows you’re washing your food before you eat it, but this person tells you how everything matters. The soil matters, the water, the sunshine, the fertilizer, the seeds, etc.

Okay… makes sense. What else ya got?

Then they blindside you: the activist now talks about how no children died at Sandy Hook Elementary. And the activist shows you videos of them confronting a Sandy Hook parent who lost their child… confronting a grief-stricken father in Court.

Do you still trust the activist about food and soil and water and sunshine and fertilizer and seeds? Or do you discredit much of what they tell you? Because this is what a shill does. This is how movements gets infiltrated or corrupted.

Justin Harvey (WeAreChange Orlando) discusses his flat earth findings at a flat earth conference.

Be sure to read some articles about Justin Harvey and his flat earth theories:

Justin Harvey attends the Flat Earth International Conference in 2018. Pictured is a “MEDIA” pass for news organizations like WeAreChange Orlando.
RELATED: Justin Harvey Stalks and Harasses Parents of Murdered Children

Justin Harvey from Winter Park, Florida has some good ideas… some. However, Justin Harvey associates with online terrorists around the world. Planting seeds of doubt, like a Monsanto GMO. Flat earth, hoaxing, false flag conspiracies will get you nowhere. Is Justin proud of what he does?

Justin Harvey receives a Community Guidelines strike on his YouTube Channel. He must have been proud. Justin captured screenshots himself, then posted images to Facebook on July 10, 2017. Did Justin not get the memo?

Justin Harvey - WeAreChange Orlando - Community Guidelines Strike
Justin Harvey – WeAreChange Orlando – Community Guidelines Strike

This is no longer 2014/2015

Years after Hoaxers have gone to jail for death threats and harassment, Justin Harvey of Winter Park, Florida continues to hoax it up with Sandy Hook Hoaxer material. Nothing new being brought to the table, mostly old trash that’s been debunked for years. And Justin wonders why certain videos are pulled?

As far as Justin’s videos: all one-sided reporting leaning on the side of Hoaxers and mentally ill strangers.

Justin Harvey - WeAreChange Orlando - YouTube Community Guidelines strike
Justin Harvey – WeAreChange Orlando – YouTube Community Guidelines Strike

The videos Justin Harvey lost on YouTube were pure harassment. Justin must have thought he could hide under his WeAreChange Orlando news credentials. Two days after receiving a YouTube Community Guidelines strike, Justin uploads the screenshot to Facebook.

Justin Harvey - Facebook post about YouTube Community Guidelines strike
Justin Harvey – Facebook post about YouTube Community Guidelines strike

Just look at all the activism coming out of Winter Park, Florida from Justin Harvey. All this trouble of him losing videos. All the screen captures and the Facebook posts. Justin Harvey wants people to know he is targeting and harassing a Sandy Hook parent who lost their child.

Many of Justin Harvey’s Facebook friends buy into the “No GMOs” and “eat healthy” activism he does, but the hoaxing has basically zero likes and zero shares. It’s only a matter of time before Justin corrupts the other movements he belongs to.

Justin Harvey - Facebook Community Guidelines Strike - Harassing Victims in the News
Justin Harvey – Facebook Community Guidelines Strike – Harassing Victims in the News

Justin Harvey will even screencapture a Facebook violation and post violations (only he can see) to Facebook. Public Facebook. Posting as if his human rights are under attack. The behavior worsens when Justin gets egged on and encouraged by Hoaxers like Tony Mead.

Tony Mead from Independent Media Solidarity is one of the main culprits behind “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook” – a debunked Hoaxer mock-umentary. Tony shares the State of Florida with Justin and the two conspiracy theorists conspire about false flag operations they believe are being orchestrated by the United States Government.

Justin Harvey - Tony Mead - Independent Media Solidarity - WeAreChange Orlando - Florida
Justin Harvey – Tony Mead – Independent Media Solidarity – WeAreChange Orlando – Florida
