Wolfgang Halbig continues his decade-long stalking-harassing of Sandy Hook parent Lenny Pozner


Going to ridiculous lengths of filing intrusive Freedom of Information Act requests to somehow prove through photos and video that “Leonard Pozner is NOT the same Leonard Pozner” who appeared in court and on bodycam footage, Wolfgang W. Halbig, Hoaxer extraordinaire, has once again failed to influence anyone with his latest attempts at terrorizing the still grief-stricken father and the law firms who have lent their services to Mr. Pozner, who has gone through the unimaginable loss of his precious child, only to be constantly hounded by an insane stranger.

Below are emails Halbig sent to two of those law firms, detailing his “evidence” and suspicions Pozner is not who he says he is, a thoroughly debunked claim shared by many in the warped Hoaxer community:


———- Original Message ———-

Hello Mr. Zimmerman

Mr. Halbig requested I provide you with the links and instructions for viewing the requested videos and photographs.

The traffic stop is here. https://we.tl/t-j6TUTqLOG7 232642074.zip If this link has expired, let me know I will send my copy to you.

I am sending still photographs and the video of Halbig’s August 1 Expungement Hearing via WeTransfer.com as the original Orange County file link has expired.

You should have an email from wetransfer.com with a download link shortly following this email.

When you download the package, unzip it to where you can find the contents, click on “OpenCourtPlayer.Exe, a user interface window will appear, highlight the file in that window, click OK. If you use the “OpenCourtPlayer.Exe” it will also play the chronology log-in text below the video window.  The video will also open with any browser, Chrome, Firefox, etc.

We have had problems making it play on an Apple computer so, I suggest you use a Microsoft Windows machine.

On Nov 11, 2023, at 7:48 AM, WOLFGANG HALBIG <[email protected]> wrote:

Subject: Fwd: Attorneys at Quarles and Brady might be part of a huge Fraud. Notice of Liability.

Subject: Attorneys at Quarles and Brady might be part of a huge Fraud. Notice of Liability.


Quarles and Brady Partners:

You’re law firm I believe might be part of a huge Fraud allowing someone to impersonate a Leonard Pozner in a Dane County Madison Circuit Court before Judge Frank Remington Case Number 18CV3122.

You defended Leonard Pozner Pro Bono in an appeal case.

You allowed this case to go forward to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

You allowed his name Leonard Pozner to be part of an Amnicus Brief filed to the United States Supreme Court without conducting a complete Background Check.

On August 1, 2023  another Leonard Pozner appeared in my Courtroom before Judge Jones in Lake County Florida in Courtroom 1B at 1:30 pm.

I have the court video and audio that shows a Leonard Pozner who is NOT the same Leonard Pozner that your Law Firm represented in Wisconsin before Judge Frank Remington and the appeal court judges.

I will be glad to send you the video and audio which will allow you to verify my criminal complaint and Notice of Liability if am right.

I have attached photos showing the Leonard Pozner’s face that you represented in Wisconsin and then the Leonard Pozner that appeared in my courtroom.

I also have a Body cam from law enforcement showing Leonard Pozner handing the Deputy his driver’s license and being asked in the Body Cam video whether all of the information on his driver’s license was correct. He responded by telling the Deputy yes it is.

There is no doubt that your Leonard Pozner is NOT the same Leonard Pozner that appeared in my courtroom on August 1, 2023.

You decide for yourself.

I urge you to report Leonard Pozner as a possible Fraud using your Law firm to be complicit in representing him.

You decide……..

I hope that I am wrong, but if I am right you have a serious problem with credibility as a law firm.

If you have any questions please call me at 407-496-5551.


Wolfgang W Halbig

