Jay Lee of Jacksonville, Florida is Tatoott1009


tatoott1009 aka Jay Lee?

Michael Janitch and Jay Lee (DUTCHSINSE and TATOOTT1009) are cut from the same cloth.

The ODD COUPLE: “weather experts” HOAX it up together.

Jay Lee AKA Tatoott1009 AKA Tat's Revolution from Jacksonville, Florida.They share similar ideas. They share similar beliefs… and laughs! They even share the same YouTube Channels along with several social media pages, blogs, websites and other online hoaxer material under both of their names. Two guys from different parts of the country, Dutchsinse and Tatoott1009, are about as odd as a couple can come. One guy is a slick talking snake-oil salesman from Missouri and the other is a straight-up grumpy hillbilly from Jacksonville, Florida — the latter is Jay Lee.

Jay Lee (Tatoott1009) is one of those funny conspiracy-nuts. He will start off many of the videos with stolen phrases like, “Get yer popcorn ready…” and “This video I’m about to do might be a long-winder…” and “Yep! Sure do!” Jay Lee will even get real mad at the camera and pull of his glasses so you can see the madness in his eyes! It’s hilarious!

Jay Lee’s house in Jacksonville, Florida.


Quotes from Michael Yuri Janitch (Dutchsinse) praises Jay Lee (Tatoott1009)

Jay Lee (Tatoott1009) has been a good friend to me over the years and has stuck by through even the toughest online battles. Michael Janitch aka Dutchsinse

” I consider tat to be one of the best video makers I know of, his content is always from the heart, and 100% no-spin .  I know he is telling me the unadulterated truth when he reports.”Michael Janitch aka Dutchsinse

Screenshot examples of Tatoott1009 and Dutchsinse being Sandy Hook Hoaxers

Check out a few random screenshots showing the links between Dutchsinse and Tatoott1009. Loads of hoaxer subjects are covered — everything from 9/11, the Boston bombing of 2013 and Sandy Hook. Jay Lee loves pumping out the vids on New World Order, illuminati and anti-government.

Dutchsinse hoaxer Facebook Page with Tatoott1009 (Sandy Hook & Pizzagate)

Dutchsinse hoaxer Facebook Page (Tatoott1009 and Dutchsinse Earthquakes: You are a scumbag)

Dutchsinse Hoaxer Facebook Page (Tatoott1009 and Dutchsinse Earthquakes)


Dutchsinse Hoaxer Facebook Page (Tatoott1009 and Dutchsinse Earthquakes: David Wheeler)


Dutcsinse and Tatoott1009 Facebook Page (Interview with Wolfgang about Sandy Hook)


As you can see, Dutchsinse and Tatoott1009 have hoaxer videos on some type of YouTube weather Channel/Page. They back up their junk claims of earthquake warnings with the most insane ideas. Everything from earthquake predictions to claims of saving lives from earthquake predictions to…


Jay Lee really thinks his packs of smokes are laced with carpet hairs and fibers?

Just to give you an idea of how disturbed this guy’s head is, Jay Lee stated on a number of occasions (via the Tatoott1009 YouTube Channel) that he was positive Big Tobacco was putting carpet fibers inside his cigarettes. Tatoott1009 actually came to this conclusion because the ciggies would not stay lit while in an ashtray. Not all the time, just every once in a while.

Real science, folks!

More Dutchsinse support of Tatoott1009


Addresses, email, and phone

Tatoott1009 and Dutchsinse

  • Tatoott1009
    ay F. Lee
  • 1853 Quebec Court
  •  MiddleburgFL 3206

[email protected]




