Holocaust denier James Fetzer


“I guess Fetzer has learned the old trick that if you repeat lies repeatedly, blog post after blog post, some unsuspecting people might just take his word for it. He must be betting on the fact that the debunkers are going to get tired of debunking the same lies every single post and may just throw up their arms in exasperation at Fetzer’s advanced state of illness. A practitioner of science he is not. He doesn’t accept evidence that disproves aspects of his theories. Instead he makes up some ad hoc hypotheses in order to make his theories unfalsifiable. Karl Popper would be ashamed at what Fetzer has become.”


It should come as no surprise that Wolfgang Halbig’s best friend and fellow Holocaust denier James Fetzer would come to his defense.

That’s right. Not only does Fetzer insist that no children died in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) shooting, but he also denies that millions of Jews were rounded up and slaughtered by the Nazis during WWII. Fetzer’s hatred of Jews is the motivation behind many of the articles he writes for Veterans Today (VT), an online tabloid recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. In the immediate aftermath of the SHES massacre, Fetzer and VT senior editor Gordon Duff suggested that the 26 women and children were killed by an Israeli “Mossad Death Squad.”  Fetzer later changed his story and began insisting that none of the 26 were killed and that the entire shooting was actually an “elaborate hoax” designed to further a gun control agenda. None of Fetzer’s theories on Sandy Hook are his own. He simply parrots theories generally found in YouTube videos posted by dubious sources with names like Professor Doom, QKUltra and Odinrok. For those who have the inclination, a minimum amount of research will reveal that all of Fetzer’s theories have been thoroughly debunked. Perhaps the most embarrassing of Fetzer’s failures was his claim that SHES parent Robbie Parker was actually an unemployed actor from Texas. After the latter provided indisputable proof that this was untrue, Fetzer was forced to retract his statement and issue an apology. Defamation and libel are standard fare for Fetzer. He has no shame or compassion for those he targets and makes his living exploiting high profile tragedies like the Holocaust, 9/11, the Boston Bombing and the SHES tragedy. Fetzer is a pariah among the vast majority of academics and U.S. Veterans. He is a traitor to the American people and should stand trial for treason. Fetzer is considered a fool by the American media but is often called upon to appear on Iranian propaganda television and bash the United States. Wolfgang Halbig is likewise a traitor who has recently reached out to Russian television in hopes of spreading the Sandy Hook “hoax” lie and accuse the U.S. government and thousands of Americans of a vast criminal conspiracy. Make no mistake. Fetzer and Halbig are traitors and opportunists who have no loyalty to anything but their own greed and egos.

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