Real JennyGirl STOLE Doug Maguire’s Digital Property


WOW! WTF!? Internet CRIMES from Jennifer Morrell


JennyGirl aka Jennifer MorrellAs pressure begins to build from Law Enforcement, Department of Social Services, her family, her neighbors, and the inevitable mental health involuntary treatment, Jennifer Morrell is in full swing. JennyGirl stole and now she wants to pass the HOT POTATO with Doug Maguire’s property. Morrell has taken over the majority of this man’s social sites for kicks. The web pages Maguire once owned ran little movies on them so he could showcase his talents for jobs around Los Angeles.

Everything that was linked up to Doug Maguire ( / / is in the hands of cyber criminal Jennifer Morrell. Morrell stole from a man who was recently divorced and living in his car. It’s quite sad, the level of cruelty, that Morrell is able to simply shrug her shoulders and say, “That’s what they get.”

Tweets from a Cyber Troll Criminal

Jennifer Morrell is at a desperate point in her life. No job, the father of her child behind bars (for the next 10 years) and obviously Morrell became bored out of her skull. Here are a few tweets she threw out to tease and torment Doug Maguire, These tweets came complete with emojis, Russian language, her famous “To The Moon & Back” phrase, the code from TV’s Lost and one hashtag at the top…


How does something like this happen?

Doug Maguire was going through a horrible divorce with child custody problems. JennyGirl knew it and threw herself into the situation as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Their relationship was based on time spent as Hoaxers in the online communities of YouTube, Googe+, Facebook, etc. It is believed Jennifer Morrell preyed upon Maguire at one of the most vulnerable points in his life. Morrell would constantly tell him he was posting things online which could land him in jail or she was concerned. Maguire was told over and over again that he was screwing up. He would never see his son. He was violating court orders.

Jennifer Morrell and her empty promises...

Jennifer Morrell didn’t know what she was talking about, or maybe she did? Basically, all Jenny Girl was doing was instilling fear. One day Maguire posted something that did not agree with JennyGirl’s Mission, so she asked for a password to monitor all communications until the child custody was taken care of and Maguire did not see her as a threat! He did not know her reputation on the web. As far as Maguire was concerned, this woman was an angel sent to him from Heaven to help see his son again.

In one of the Facebook messages (made public) Jennifer Morrell puffs up her chest to write, “We are making sure he [Doug Maguire’s son] is still in the country and that he will not be able to leave the country and if any attempt is made it will be intercepted immediately by the authorities.”

Jennifer Morrell - Facebook bigshot

Jennifer Morrell lied. She misrepresented herself and tricked Maguire from day one. JennyGirl stole things Maguire needed to get his life back, to see his child that much faster. JennyGirl is a single mother, pretending to be a hot shot know-it-all. She is a big dirtbag on welfare with her baby’s daddy providing no help because of an 11 year sentencing inside Sing-Sing Correctional Facilities. As to “WHY” Jennifer Morrell risked it all and stole Doug Maguire’s property?

Doug Maguire was one of the few who got close to JennyGirl and discovered (after it was too late!) she was full of hot air.

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