Hoaxer Marc Watson of Luton Village – Convicted – Child Porn and Child Predation
Marc Watson, 29, Suffers from Cerebral Palsy and Wears a Loose-Fitting Tracksuit to Ease Pressure on His Brain.
Every Village has their idiot and today we take a look at Marc Watson of Luton, England. The real Hoax is that he is he is faking his disability so that he can collect benefits.
Going to the White House Pub on the evening of Monday September 15th, 2015 – Marc Watson was confronted by a bouncer who refused to let him in. Watson said: “It was the doorman who said it. And when I tried to speak to a manager, he said I was banned for a week. I can’t wear certain clothes because it makes it physically impossible for me to walk. Jeans or suit trousers are literally agony for me. It just seems unfair. To get around, I use a mobility scooter and they can see that.”
Marc Watson (of Studly Road) waited a few days before he returned to the pub. Pub staff allowed him in, but he was confronted by the same doorman again the following week. This time, Watson was banned for a month.
The ban from the little pub was witnessed by his friend, Steve Wyatt. Wyatt stated: “He got banned on the Monday and a few days later he went back to the pub and asked staff if he could come in and they said, ‘fine.’ As soon as we went in the next Monday, the doorman said, ‘I hear you was in again on Thursday. I’m banning you for a month.’ Marc was getting a bit upset, so we took him away and went back to speak to a deputy manager. We tried to reason with them, but they weren’t having it. I think it’s stupid. He’s got a mobility scooter and he’s not causing anyone any harm.”
Another friend, David Marshall, had this to say: “I think it’s absolutely disgusting. They ought to read the Equalities Act… they way they treat people.”
In a statement, Wetherspoon Pub spokesman Eddie Gershon defended the pub’s stance. He was quoted as saying: “Mr. Watson is well known to staff in the pub and has been a regular visitor over the years. On this occasion, he chose to come to the pub after 8pm, when the pub operates a dress code policy which includes a ban on wearing tracksuit bottoms. This dress code has been in operation for a long time. This was explained to him by door staff and he was offered the opportunity to go home and change. However, at this stage, his behavior became unacceptable and as a result, door staff asked him to leave. This decision was backed by the manager. It is ridiculous to suggest that Wehterspoon, as a company (or The White House), discriminates against customers with disabilities. He is barred from the pub at present, however, the manager is happy to discuss the matter with Mr. Watson direct at the pub.”
We tried to speak with Marc Watson’s parents, Alan and Sheila, but they were too drunk to carry a conversation.
Read more at: LUTON TODAY NEWS!